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contoh kalimat each other's

  • Now that I think about it, we don't know each other's name.
    Aku belum memperkenalkan diri.
  • And lay the blame at each other's door.
    Pikiran kata-kata saya , itu akan menjadi neraka!
  • We used not to interfere with each other's affairs.
    kita semestinya tidak mengganggu dengan urusan masing-masing.
  • How did you learn of each other's existence?
    Bagaimana kalian bisa tahu keberadaan satu sama lain?
  • Let's just ty not to get into each other's faces.
    Mari kita berusaha tak saling kenal.
  • You never see people sniffing each other's butts.
    Kau tak pernah melihat orang mencium bokong lainnya.
  • We're doing it even without knowing each other's names.
    Kita melakukannya bahkan tanpa mengetahui nama masing-masing.
  • Otherwise, we're gonna be at each other's throats constantly.
    Kalau tidak, kita akan saling terus berteriak.
  • Children at each other's throats, tractor about to be repossessed,
    Anak-anak dengan kenakalannya, Traktor segera diambil,
  • Like your employees at each other's throats? You bet I do.
    Kamu suka pegawaimu saling menyikut?
  • We used to finish each other's sentences.
    Kami digunakan untuk menyelesaikan setiap yang lain kalimat .
  • Like, maybe we're all a bit in each other's pockets.
    Seperti, mungkin kita harus pergi dulu.
  • Best we stay out of each other's way.
    lebih baik kita tetap pada jalan kita masing2.
  • "Sometimes they are at each other's throat. "
    " Kadang-kadang mereka berada di masing-masing tenggorokan. "
  • None of us even know each other's real names,
    Masing-masing tidak ada yang tahu nama asli.
  • You and I working together, having each other's back.
    Kau dan aku bekerja sama, Saling menjaga
  • That's really cute, how you finish each other's sentences.
    Lucu sekali cara kalian saling menyelesaikan kalimat.
  • We were just drivers busting each other's balls.
    Kami hanya pembalap, Saling menyalip satu sama lain.
  • Overko! How many times have we saved each other's necks?
    Overko berapa kali kita saling menyelamatkan.
  • We could look at each other's work if you like.
    Kita bisa saling melihat pekerjaan kita.
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